




How to Prevent from Chlamydia Infection?

How to Prevent from Chlamydia Infection?

Chlamydia Treatment is a common STD, it often has no symptoms. Even it can be easily treated, it can easily spread with or without symptoms as well. Fortunately, condoms use offers good protection.

We all want to protect ourselves and each other from infections like std symptoms. The best treatment is preventive: Practice safe sex strategies. To reduce risk of chlamydia infection:

- Use condoms correctly every time you have sex.
- Limit your number of sex partners, and do not go back and forth between partners.
- Practice sexual abstinence, or limit sexual contact to one uninfected partner.
- If you think you are infected, avoid sexual contact and see a doctor.

Any genital symptoms such as discharge or burning during urination or an unusual sore or rash should be a signal to stop having sex and to consult a doctor immediately. If you are told you have chlamydia or any other sexually transmitted disease and receive treatment, you should notify all of your recent sex partners so that they can see a doctor and be treated. Because chlamydia often occurs without symptoms, people who are infected may unknowingly pass it onto their sex partners. Many doctors recommend that all persons who have more than one sex partner should be regularly tested for chlamydia, even in the absence of symptoms.


Chlamydia Antibiotics Side-effects

Chlamydia Antibiotics Side-effects

Chlamydia Cure is always treated by antibiotics. Popular antibiotics for chlamydia infection including Erythromycin, Levofloxacin, Tetracycline, Azithromycin, Doxycycline, and so on. A single dose of antibiotics is good to treat chlamydia infection in most cases. You will get a negative result of chlamydia test after the treatment. If you are sill suffering from chlamydia symptoms, or have got a positive result again, visit your doctor.


While antibiotics are treating your infection, they may bring you a serious of side effects.


Below is a list of the most common side-effects of chlamydia antibiotics:
- Hives;
- Difficulty breathing;
- Swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat
- Dizziness and/or headache
- Mild nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach pain


Below is a list of rare side-effects of chlamydia discharge:
- Stomach or bowel upsets
- Mild skin rash or itching
- Vaginal itching or discharge
- Abnormal liver tests
- Allergic reactions
- Nervousness


Some of chlamydia antibiotics are harmful to your kidneys or liver. Besides, taking antibiotics overloads your kidneys and liver while metabolizing. So do not ask for antibiotics from your doctor unless there's no better alternatives.

Chlamydia Symptoms in Women

Chlamydia Symptoms in Women

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that women who have contracted this disease may have several symptoms, including damage to the reproductive organs. The damage can occur without any signs or symptoms because of a lack of prominent symptoms.


The Symptoms of Chlamydia Infection are:

- Rectal discomfort or release
- Abdominal pain
- Burning sensation during urination
- Painful intercourse
- Abnormal bleeding and/or vaginal discharge


Regrettably the actual the signs of the problem don’t show itself by itself and many women don’t understand they have an infection that’s damaging their own organs. In the event that not treated chlamydia symptoms may invade your own genitalia as well as reproductive organs, causing chlamydia transmission, Inability to conceive and in some cases a good roundabout side effect associated with ectopic pregnancy. Additional If your woman has chlamydia while pregnant, it can result in contamination within the uterus after shipping, and also the child could develop eye an infection, loss of sight and pneumonia.
Vaginal discharge is one of the most common symptoms of chlamydia in women. Any signs of illness can occur within one to three weeks of exposure to the bacteria. Vaginal discharge caused by chlamydia can vary. It should be different from normal vaginal secretions. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggests many possible variations, including consistency, color and smell. Abnormal vaginal discharge can be watery or thick and pasty. The substance may be clear, cloudy, yellow, green or white. Any unusual or foul odor is a sign of infection, but chlamydia may cause odorless secretions as well.In additional to abnormal vaginal secretions, a woman may have intermittent bleeding from the vagina. This may increase during sexual intercourse, which can be painful. This bleeding can occur at any time between menstrual periods.Other PainIt is not uncommon to experience pain or a burning sensation while urinating. Some women may experience pain in the lower abdomen or back. These more prominent symptoms typically occur when the infection spreads to the fallopian tubes and other female organs. The CDC suggests there may also be nausea and a fever in some cases. If the infection spreads to the rectum, there may be pain, discharge and bleeding. The bacteria can also infect the throat, causing irritation, pain and bleeding as well.


Urethral infection is usually related to chlamydial infection of the cervix, and women who have this an infection of the urethra generally encounter typical symptoms of a urinary tract infections, which involves discomfort on urination and the frequent and immediate have to urinate.

Treat Female Chlamydia Infection - Fuyan Pill

Treat Female Chlamydia Infection - Fuyan Pill

male chlamydia, as one of pathogens, largely exist in human body. We are always asked by chlamydia infection patients that what the effective treatment of chlamydia infection is. To answer this question, Dr.Lee can help.

From a netizen: What are treatments of male symptoms of chlamydia? It would be appreciate if you tell me some information about this question.

Dr.Lee: Hello! Thank you for your trust. In some certain item, chlamydia can lead to cervical infection, premature delivery, miscarriage, and urinary tract infections. Especially when it combines with other pathogens, such as gonococcus, more serious condition and complications can occur. In fact, chlamydia trachomatis grow widely in cervix uteri and male and female urinary system.

About the question " treatment of chlamydia infection in women", you can consult our doctors on line. Besides, descriptions referring symptoms of chlamydia infection, matters need attention and cost will all be answered. Next, let's see some common problems which will occur in chlamydia patients.

Causes of chlamydia infection in women

When chlamydia infects human body, it firstly affects columnar epithelial cells and grows in it. And then it enters and proliferates cells in mononuclear phagocyte system. Because of the progenitive chlamydia, the infected cells befall massive dead. At the same time, it can get away from parasitifer immune defense and gain spasmodical protection. Pathogenesis of chlamydia, as we always mentioned, is that it inhibits metabolism of the infected cells, causes dissolution or destruction of cells, lysosomal enzyme release and induces toxic action of metabolites. Potentially, those consequences can give rise to allergy and autoimmunity.

Symptoms of chlamydia infection in women

Chlamydia can not only cast its net wider to the whole genital reproductive organs instead of urethra merely. Usually, subjective symptoms are not so noticeable or sometimes, they are too slight. However, after long time being infected and spreaded, lession huge must befall huge damage. Generally, women are thornier than men because women have to suffer more symptoms. Plus, cervix is the main target to be infected, and its sequela is infertility.

We have clearly understood most medications of chlamydia infection include antibiotic. If chlamydia patients do not cured by antibiotic, the result is unpredictable and desperate. Treatment can't last for long because once pathogens can't be eliminated in a short time, other parts will be infected, which finally brings about pathological changes. Dr.Lee is an expert in this field. She has already studied chlamydia treatment for almost thirty years. She emphasized that we must comprehend its pathogenesis and find out the relevant medication. How to directly kill pathogens in lessions is a big problem. If it is solved, the disease can be neatly. Traditional Chinese medicine Fuyan Pill, is such a medicine which can directly enter focus and destroy harmful pathogens. Dr.Lee introduced that it is a specific medicine which is applied to settle gynecological disease.

Antibiotics for Pregnant Women with Chlamydia

Antibiotics for Pregnant Women with Chlamydia

chlamydia bacteria is a bacterial infection that is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria and can be transmitted through oral, anal and vaginal sexual contact. Men and women can both be affected by Chlamydia, but symptoms of the infection are not always present. In fact, up to 75% of women and 50% of men experience no symptoms of Chlamydia.

However, long-term complications can develop if left untreated. Left untreated, chlamydia and gonorrhea in women can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, which in turn can cause infertility and damage to the reproductive organs. Untreated Chlamydia in men can cause epididymitis, which can lead to sterility. While it is possible to cure Chlamydia through antibiotics, this treatment cannot undo any damage that may have already occurred in your reproductive organs. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as you suspect you may have Chlamydia.

Pregnant women with untreated chlamydia infections are at high risk for pregnancy and labor complications, as well as transmitting eye infections and pneumonia to newborn babies.

A review found eleven trials, involving 1449 women, on erythromycin, amoxycillin, azithromycin and clindamycin, and the overall trial quality was good. However, all the trials assessed 'microbiological cure' (that is they looked for an eradication of the infection) and none assessed whether the eye or lung problems for the baby were reduced. Also, none of the trials were large enough to assess potential adverse outcomes adequately. The review found amoxycillin was an effective alternative to erythromycin but lack of long-term assessment of outcomes caused concern about its routine use in practice. If erythromycin is used, some women may stop taking it because of adverse effects. Azithromycin and clindamycin are potential alternatives.

Pregnant women with chlamydia are commonly treated with amoxicillin or erythromycin. These are not the only antibiotics prescribed, but they are the most commonly prescribed medications for treatment of chlamydia in pregnant women. Tetracyclines taken in pregnancy are known to be associated with teeth and bone abnormalities in babies, and some women find erythromycin unpleasant to take because of feeling sick and vomiting.

- Take all prescribed medication as directed until gone, even if your symptoms disappear. Notify your doctor if you began to feel worse or develop new symptoms after taking medication. This can be an indication of possible side effects.
- Contact your physician if the symptoms do not disappear within 2 weeks of completing your prescription.

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