




Amazing, Chlamydia Symptoms Could be Eliminated Completely Without Using Any Antibiotics

Amazing, Chlamydia Symptoms Could be Eliminated Completely Without Using Any Antibiotics

Chlamydia Treatment sometimes is a "silent disease" that has messed up many women's life, especially their sexual life. Once they infected with it, they would feel that their world would collapse, and they would suffer from it for the last whole life. For in most chlamydia cases, they choose use antibiotics to cure it. Although antibiotics could kill bacteria in a short time, it usually couldn't eliminate all the symptoms of chlamydia completely. Or even antibiotics could let the symptoms disappear for a short time, but the symptoms would reoccur easily, if you stop taking the medicine. Thus, there is no doubt that, people think chlamydia could be eliminated completely by medicine.

Many thanks to Chinese traditional doctors' day after day hard work, they find out an amazing medicine, which could not only cure Chlamydia Cure without reoccurrence, but also could eliminate all symptoms of chlamydia completely within only several months. This herbal medicine is called fuyan pill, which is really a savior for the women who have suffered from chlamydia for a long time.

Fuyan pill contains many kinds of different herbs, and these herbs are highly effective in clearing away heat and toxic materials. To be more specifically, some herbs in it can clear up pathogens and treat infections just like antibiotics can do. Honeysuckle, Scutellaria Baicalensis, Fructus Gardeniae in fuyan pill, which have strong effect on killing pathogens, they're widely used when treating infections.

In women, except for discomfort with urination, chlamydia also may lead to abdominal pain, pain during intercourse, abnormal bleeding or vaginal discharge. Therefore, herbs in fuyan pill which are used for promoting blood and Qi circulation, and herbs for regulating menses are also required in the formula for treating chlamydia in women.

As Fuyan pill is made from herbs, it is just as safe as the vegetables that we eat every day. There is no need for you to worry about the drug resistance (which antibiotic usually have) even you need to eat it for several months. What's more, every herb plays different role in fuyan pill, each of them has the corresponding function to chlamydia symptom, thus they could work together to eliminate all the symptoms. Since fuyan pill could replace the function of antibiotics, while you taking it, you needn't to take other antibiotics.

This amazing medicine has been sold online, and has received many good feedbacks from all over the world.
Dr.Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as an herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of gynecological disease . She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Fuyan Pill for years. The medicine has proven to be effective on eliminating inflammation, killing bacteria, clearing heat and promoting blood circulation etc. The formula is patented by SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C).


New study suggests STD chlamydia frequently exchanges DNA to new strains

New study suggests STD chlamydia frequently exchanges DNA to new strains

The bacteria that cause Chlamydia Treatment, the world's most common sexually transmitted disease, seems to be sneakier than once thought, as a new study suggests it frequently exchanges DNA between different strains to form entirely new strains.

Chlaymydia is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis, and though its symptoms are often mild, the sexually transmitted disease can cause infertility in women and a discharge from the penis of an infected man. Chlamydia is the most common bacterial STD in the world, including in the U.S. where more than 1.3 million cases were reported in 2010. About 100 million cases of chlamydia are reported each year across the globe.

Scientists know there are two groups of Chlamydia Cure, one that seems to infect the eyes and urinary-genital areas, and another set known to spread through the lymphatic system, which is important to the body's immune system. Currently, an epidemic of the lymphatic types is progressing in Europe and North America, particularly in men who have sex with men, the researchers note online on March 11 in the journal Nature Genetics.

However, little is known about how these different strains evolve and emerge.

"Scientists recently discovered that if two chlamydia strains co-infect the same person at the same time, they can swap DNA by a process called recombination," lead researcher Dr. Simon Harris, from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, said in a statement.

To find out how widespread this swapping is, Harris and colleagues compared the genome sequences of 53 strains of C. trachomatis, which were isolated from epidemics that occurred between 1959 and 2009; the strains were meant to represent the diversity of chlamydia seen in clinical settings. Results showed that even when the Chlamydia strains had infected different parts of the body, they could still swap DNA with each other, leading to new strains.

Recombination "was originally thought only to affect a few 'hotspots' within the genome," Harris said. "We were very surprised to find recombination is far more widespread than previously thought."

The results have implications for how the STD is diagnosed. Currently, doctors use a test that returns a positive or negative for chlamydia infections, without any information on the particular strain. That means doctors can't tell, say, if a person who tests positive again after being treated with antibiotics has picked up a second strain of chlamydia or if their treatment has failed.

While antibiotic-resistant chlamydia has not been seen in patients, it does occur in the lab. If it did occur in the general population, current tests would not detect it.

"Until now a person treated with antibiotics with a reoccurring infection of C. trachomatis was assumed to have been re-infected," study researcher Dr. Nicholas Thomson, also of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, said in a statement. "The current gaps in our understanding of the population makeup of chlamydia limit our ability to implement health policies, because we do not fully understand how chlamydia spreads within our population."

The scientists are now working with hospitals to bring technologies for whole-genome sequencing into clinical settings.

The STD chlamydia is on the rise in Michigan

The STD chlamydia is on the rise in Michigan

The sexually transmitted disease Chlamydia Treatment is on the rise in Michigan, and Livingston County is no exception.

The county has seen a 72 percent increase in the number of cases of chlamydia since 2008, according to the Livingston County Department of Public Health.

There were 297 residents diagnosed with chlamydia in 2012, which are the latest figures available. There were 173 cases in 2008.

Ted Westmeier, director of the Livingston County Department of Public Health, said unprotected sex is the primary reason for the increase.

“Many people do not have symptoms of the disease but carry it,” Westmeier said.

Chlamydia Cure can be spread during vaginal, anal or oral sex. It also can be passed from an infected mother to her unborn child during vaginal birth.

Although symptoms usually occur in one to three weeks, 74 percent of infected females and 50 percent of infected males show no symptoms.

Female symptoms include abnormal vaginal discharge, burning with urination, lower abdominal pain. Male symptoms include discharge from the penis, burning with urination, pain in the testicles or the abdomen.

If left untreated, chlamydia can cause ectopic pregnancy, infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease.

The disease can be treated with antibiotics.

Westmeier said the increase of chlamydia cases in Livingston is a trend occurring across Michigan.

“We’re not different,” he said.

Besides using protection during sex, Westmeier said residents should get regular exams. This is strongly recommended for people who have more than one sex partner and have unprotected sex.

As required by law, chlamydia is one of roughly 100 diseases that all doctors or labs must report when it’s diagnosed.

“It’s really a basic public health program,” Westmeier said. “We are concerned about the care of the individual and the care of the community.”

Chlamydia and gonorrhoea infections linked to pregnancy complications

Chlamydia and gonorrhoea infections linked to pregnancy complications

Becoming infected with Chlamydia Treatment or gonorrhoea in the lead-up to, or during, pregnancy, increases the risk of complications, such as stillbirth or unplanned premature birth, indicates research published online in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections.

The researchers analysed the birth records of more than 350,000 women who had had their first baby between 1999 and 2008 in New South Wales, Australia's most heavily populated state.

The researchers wanted to find out if infection with either chlamydia or gonorrhoea in the lead-up to, or during, pregnancy, had any impact on the baby or the birth itself, as there is continuing debate about whether these infections can increase the risk of complications.

The women's birth records were linked back to state records about notifiable conditions, such as Chlamydia Cure and gonorrhoea.

Among the 354,217 women who had had their first child between 1999 and 2008, 3658 (1%) had had at least one notifiable chlamydia infection before the birth. And most (81%) of these had been diagnosed before the estimated date of conception.

Just 196 (0.6%) had been diagnosed with gonorrhoea before the birth, with most diagnoses (just under 85%) made before the estimated conception date.
Half of those diagnosed with gonorrhoea had also previously been infected with chlamydia.

In all, 4% of the women had an unplanned premature birth; 12% had babies who were small for dates; and 0.6% (2234) of the babies were stillborn.

Factors such as age, social disadvantage, smoking, and underlying conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, can all increase the risk of birth complications, and this was evident among the women studied.

But even after taking account of all these influential factors, women who had had a prior infection with either chlamydia or gonorrhoea were still at heightened risk.

Women who had had chlamydia were not at increased risk of giving birth to a small for dates baby. But they were 17% more likely to have an unplanned premature birth and 40% more likely to have a stillborn baby.

Women who had had gonorrhoea were more than twice as likely to have an unplanned premature birth, but they were not at increased risk of giving birth to a small for dates baby.

There were too few women with a previous diagnosis of gonorrhoea to be able to assess the impact of the infection to stillbirth.

For women previously diagnosed with chlamydia, the risk of an unplanned premature birth did not differ between those diagnosed more than a year before conception, within a year of conception, or during the pregnancy.
The authors caution that their findings don't allow them to prove cause and effect. The infections may simply be a marker for women at high risk of birth complications.

And while there is some evidence to suggest that chronic inflammation?such as would arise particularly with chlamydia infection?can trigger an unplanned premature birth, trials of prophylactic antibiotics given to women during pregnancy, have not lowered this risk.

Nevertheless, the authors conclude: "Our results suggest that sexually transmissible infections in pregnancy and the preconception period may be important in predicting adverse obstetric outcomes."

Protecting yourself from the silent STD, Chlamydia

Protecting yourself from the silent STD, Chlamydia

Chlamydia Infection is a tricky STD and it’s on the rise. It’s silent, particularly among men, and it’s the most common STI in the UK. It’s the world’s most common cause of infertility, even though it’s preventable. But, and it’s a big but, half of all men who have it don’t know and four out of five women are similarly ignorant. This is bad news. Left untreated the disease can cause problems like ectopic pregnancy and painful infections of the testicles.

chlamydia transmission is a bacterium found in semen and vaginal fluids and is spread through vaginal, oral and anal sex or by sharing sex toys.It can live inside the cells of the cervix, urethra, rectum and sometimes the throat and eyes. The bug can cross the placenta meaning a pregnant woman could potentally pass it on to her unborn baby.

Symptoms can appear a few weeks after the bug is caught but may also take months. These include unusual vaginal discharge, bleeding between periods or after sex, pain during sex and maybe lower abdominal pain. Men may feel pain when urinating and in the testicles.If you have any suspicions that you’ve got chlamydia it’s vitally important to get tested.

We’re lucky in the UK: we have a national screening programme that gives all sexually active under-25s access to chlamydia testing, which extends to youth clubs and colleges. Any woman having an IUD fitted or having an abortion should also have a chlamydia screening test. They take several forms: a urine test, or a swab from the vagina, urethra, rectum, or throat and eyes.While chlamydia is tricky to spot, it’s easy to deal with. Antibiotics can work, although the Pill and contraceptive patches make them less effective. And there will soon be a vaccine to help you protect yourself as scientists at Southampton University have broken into the bacterium’s genetic code.

Together with researchers at Israel’s Ben-Gurion University, they have inserted foreign DNA into the bug’s genome, which means they will soon be able to map out its whole genetic code and eventually fashion a vaccine. In the meantime, an anti-chlamydia vaccine is being used on koala bears, which often carry the bug. The positive results this has produced so far could stop the koala population disseminating the disease, as many in the science world fear.

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